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World Politics, Blame and the Environment
by Brian Risman, Publisher, www thelawjournal co uk - 25 August 2002
Page 7 of 7
If the summit can get down to the issues -- and not political manipulations -- there can be successful discussions.
If the summit, from these discussions, produces realistic plans that are backed by Governments around the world, as well as enthusiastically implemented by the people of the world -- these plans will produce successful action.
For the above to occur, however, ideology and politics need to be put aside to get the work done. We were all enthralled when Apollo 8 sent back to Earth the first complete picture of our planet from Space. We realised that we were all together on this small blue planet. That spirit needs to be reborn in a positive way that incorporates all people and nations in this world. Not just some, and not just the politically correct. All of the people and nations must participate. The West can clean up their act -- but if the Third World continue to pollute in the Asian 'brown cloud', all the West's good work will be for not. Similarly, the West needs to step to the issues at hand -- but need to be given plans that can be realistically implemented -- not Kyoto-type impossibilities. An agreement that cannot be implemented is not an agreement -- it is simply a failure.
Let us hope that the past failures noted above do not destroy this all-important summit. Let us hope that realistic, economic solutions are developed that can be embraced by the world.
The issue is our survival -- and that should not allowed to fail due to little minds and attitudes.
Brian Risman ... Any Comments?
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