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Should the U.S. Wage War on Iraq?

by Brian Risman, Publisher, www thelawjournal co uk - 19 August 2002

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The topic of most interest to our readers, based on the input we have received, is the issue of Iraq and the possibility of a war waged by the United States against that country.

Should the U.S. wage war on Iraq?

The question has several aspects.

First, is an attack on Iraq justified?

Second, under what circumstances should action be taken?

Third, is military action the appropriate approach -- or are there other, more effective approaches?

Fourth, is there a defined result for this action -- an end point that would justify the action taken?

Fifth, what are the global implications of any action taken ? Is the U.S. considering these issues?

Sixth, given the above, should the United Kingdom take part in any military incursion?

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