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The Death of Political Opposition in America?

A Lecture by former Clinton Cabinet Member Robert Reich -- An Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Special Lecture

Please see the notice below, kindly provided by the Institute for Public Policy. If you are interested in attending the lecture December 9, please register beforehand with Mr. Hulme directly at the e-mail or phone number highlighted below.

Please note that you cannot register with The Law Journal (UK) for this lecture. However, your comments on the topic and your impressions of the lecture are of course welcome in the Law Journal (UK) as part of an ongoing discussion.

Please also note that although the invitation is directed to the staff at the Law Journal, the lecture is in fact open to all -- but again, please pre-register with the IPPR as per the note below.

Dear Brian Risman (Publisher, The Law Journal (UK)):

I would like to extend an open invitation to staff at the Law Journal to a special ippr lecture by Robert Reich, former US Secretary for Labour, who will be discussing: 'The Death of Political Opposition in America?'.

Further details are enclosed below and I would be grateful if you could circulate this e-mail with interested staff.

The Presidency of George W Bush began in controversy.  Recent criticism of his period in office has been marked both in America and the rest of the world.  Despite this, Bush triumphed in the 2002 mid-term election, regaining the Senate and becoming one of only three US Presidents in the last one hundred years to gain Congressional seats in their first off-term election.

Controversial tax cuts, a faltering economy and concern over the War on Terrorism have dented Bush's standing in America, however the Democrats and other opposition parties are seen in disarray and bereft of vision or focus.

What does this mean for domestic American politics and can a credible opposition against the Republican government be constructed? 

Mr. Reich, who served under President Clinton from 1992 - 1997, will be evaluating the performance of George W Bush's administration and how opposition parties in America have reacted to it, as well as discussing key issues in contemporary US domestic and foreign policy.  Responding to Mr Reich, and discussing how current American politics impressions on British politics will be Baroness Shirley Williams, Lib Dem Leader of the House of Lords and Godkin Lecturer at Harvard University and Will Hutton, Chief Executive of The Work Foundation. 

The event takes place at 5.45pm on Monday 9th December at Bloomberg, City Gate House, 39-45 Finsbury Square,  London, EC2A 1PQ.

Places are free but strictly limited and available on a first come first serve basis. 
To book a place either by phone or e-mail, please contact James Hulme on 020 7470 0023 or

I look forward to seeing you at the event. 

Kind regards

James Hulme
External Affairs Officer
Institute for Public Policy Research

on behalf of

Matthew Taylor

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