September 11: A Turning point in International and Domestic Law? |
Conference at the University of Sussex, 20-21 March 2003 |
"There is no trade-off between effective action against terrorism and the protection of human rights. On the contrary, I believe that in the long term we shall find that human rights, along with democracy and social justice, are one of the best prophylactics against terrorism". - Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General, Statement at Security Council meeting on counter-terrorism, 18 January 2002
What is "terrorism"? Did the attacks of September 11 mark a defining moment in the Post-Cold War era? What responses should terrorism legitimately attract? What is the legal status of the detainees in Guantanamo Bay? Have national and international responses to the attacks of September 11 created new legal paradigms?
September 11: A Turning Point in International and Domestic Law? will bring together international experts working in the fields of international law and international and European relations to explore these and other questions across a range of topics from a cross-cultural perspective.
Speakers include Professor Ruth Wedgwood (Yale Law School and Johns Hopkins School of International Relations), Professor John Dugard (University of Leiden), Professor Dinah Shelton (Notre Dame Law School), Dr. Christine Gray (University of Cambridge), Professor Philippe Sands (University College, London), Professor Martin Shaw (University of Sussex) and Professor Colin Harvey (University of Leeds).
This two day conference will be of interest to academics, judges, civil servants, students and practitioners in the fields of:
This conference will take place at the University of Sussex, which is situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty and close to the lively and historic seaside city of Brighton.
For further information on the conference, please e-mail the organisers at
As well, here is a note sent to The Law Journal from the organisers:
2 January 2003
Brian Risman (Publisher, www thelawjournal co uk),
September 11: A Turning Point in International and Domestic Law?
I take great pleasure in attaching information about the above conference
which will take place at the Sussex University campus on 20 and 21 March
2003. The subject matter is both timely and important and we are fortunate
at Sussex to be able to draw on the expertise of both the International
Relations and Politics Department and the Law School to provide a sound
inter-disciplinary basis for the conference. We have also been able to
assemble a group of eminent scholars and government advisers, working both
in the academic world and major international organisations, to explore key
issues in international and domestic law, as well as in international
relations, raised by the attacks in New York and Washington DC on September
11, 2001.
Please publicise this conference and circulate the information to appropriate
colleagues. If you want to discuss any aspects of the content of the
conference, please donšt hesitate to contact me by phone (01273
678532/678836)) or e.mail. For any delegate queries, please contact our
conference office either by phone (01273-678448) or e.mail
Finally, I should mention that places are limited and would therefore advise
early registration. I much look forward to welcoming you to this conference.
Professor Harry Rajak
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